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TRACOM Social Style® (1 day)

Everyone has different and preferred ways of...

  • Building relationships

  • Using time

  • Making decisions

  • Establishing trust

  • Receiving and sharing information

  • Communicating!

SOCIAL STYLE training enables productive relationships. Through understanding how others communicate, respond under stress or in challenging situations, we can connect more effectively with them if we know the right tools and techniques to use!

SOCIAL STYLE training provides people with the skills to develop more positive relationships and learn to be versatile with communication when working with different styles, reducing misunderstanding and conflict. Gaining skills and techniques that work and are easy to apply to assess others and create closer connections.

So, am I Analytical, Driving, Amiable or Expressive??

And how do I work constructively with someone with a different preferred style to me?

                                                                                                     Gain the benefits of Improved Collaboration,                                                                                                             Enhanced Communication Skills, and Reduced                                                                                                         Conflict which leads to Higher Productivity,                                                                                                               Improved Morale and Better Results

                                                                                                     A highly rewarding and productive experience for                                                                                                         all attendees! The SOCIAL STYLE Model® is                                                                                                                   internationally rated as the easiest to learn,                                                                                                                   remember and apply - as assessed by                                                                                                                             independent research against standard                                                                                                                           learning and psychology evaluations. 

Understand how others view your communication style and develop versatility to gain the trust and respect of other styles.

Delivery modes:

- face to face, 1 day workshop

- online, sessions scheduled to suit 

Looking for a variation to this?  Touch base to discuss what could work for you!

Interested for an in-house workshop??! Let's connect to discuss what you need!

I'm an individual - register to join a public session!

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